Knowledge is the boat that keeps you above life’s seas.

There has been an incredible shift in the financial responsibility of individuals, but as evidenced by the mass financial hardships and economic crisis we are experiencing today, most have not embraced this change.

In this sink or swim environment, it behooves us all for most people to be making mostly productive financial decisions.

Bottom line, we think people struggle unnecessarily with money, and we set out to change that by sharing the core solution.

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Lack of knowledge is destructive.

James believes that we are explicitly migrating toward an emphasis of individual wealth, and away from the days where pensions and social security were the primary sources of retirement funding.

This shift is often acknowledged, yet met with great uncertainly and anxiety. James believes that we all have it in us to succeed, if only people focused on the simple things that matter most.

Using the principles from his book Wealth Is a Choice, James removes the mystery of money, and gives people tools they can use immediately to improve their personal financial position. 

With real life financial examples, and abstract analogies, James makes it easy to understand what obstacles hold people back, and what they can do to avoid them.

He does not discuss get rich schemes, as he believes that it requires good financial habits and an understanding of growing wealth in order for people to attain, and grow the necessary level of wealth based on their personal needs and desires.

Book James.

James is available for speaking engagements for your organization or group. Call and he’ll talk with you about what it is you hope to achieve with the presentation.

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How Else Can We Help You?


Financial Planning

Asset Management

Financial Training Plan